CNA Book - Christian Beliefs

This book addresses the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects a dying person encounters. It does not address a sudden or unexpected death except for one example regarding the spirit and soul. It explains how to care for a dying patient or loved one, how to make and keep a dying patient comfortable, and what signs and symptoms to expect as the organs shut down and the physical body changes. It helps the caregivers/family members be more sensitive to the potential discomforts and anticipates how they might handle a situation before it occurs.

This book also explains the following: why a person is still able to repent on their deathbed; why a person's cog­nitive abilities increase on their deathbed regardless of their diagnosis, and not decrease like most people think; why hearing is only one of the last senses to leave, not the last; why the dying person can hear and under­stand what's being said to them even if the body has Alzheimer's or dementia, or is in a coma; how to communi­cate with a dying patient; how a dying patient communicates; when its best not to turn a dying patient; what a good/bad death is (and what contributes to each); and subjects like oxygen delivery, roommate considerations, post mortem care and more.